Offre d’emploi: Assistant(e) du/de la COCAC et du SCAC

Posted on June 20th, 2022 by Sarah Jenkins

L’Ambassade de France en Afrique du Sud et l’Institut Français d’Afrique du Sud recrutent son futur/sa future assistant(e) du/de la COCAC et du SCAC


Vous aimez faciliter le travail de vos collègues et êtes un(e) partenaire de confiance ? Vous êtes réactif(ve), organisé(e), discret(e), diplomate et aimez le travail bien fait ? Devenez celui/celle qui accompagne le quotidien de nos équipes de coopération au sein de l’Ambassade de France à Pretoria !


Poste basée à l’Ambassade de France à Pretoria

Contrat à durée déterminée de 10 mois

Période souhaitée de prise de fonctions : début août 2022


Ressortissants / résidents permanents en Afrique du Sud ou candidats en capacité de travailler légalement en Afrique du Sud. Avoir un permis de travail valide est une condition essentielle pour pouvoir candidater. 


Vous retrouverez plus d’informations dans la fiche de poste ici


Posted in Uncategorised, Arts and Creative Industries, Education, Governance and Human Rights, Science and Innovation | No Comments

Second INSP training course of 2022 for South African public servants

Posted on March 15th, 2022 by Warda Ouzemmal

The Institut national du service public (former ENA – Ecole nationale d’administration) has held its second tailor-made online training course, entitled “Human resources management in the public sector”, with 30 South African civil servants attending from the 7th – 11th of March 2022.

This course follows the one on Public Administration reform, which was held from the 7th-11th of February 2022. 29 South African public servants attended the PAR course and 30 attended the HRM course. Participants from various ministries, local authorities and public entities (Agriculture, Tourism, Brand South Africa, NSG, SALGA, etc.) benefit from these tailor-made trainings, which focus primarily on knowledge sharing and practical case studies.

Séance d'ouverture de la formation "Human ressources management".

Opening class of the formation “Human resources management”, 7th of March 2022.

This course on HRM gave the opportunity to reflect on how public services can relay efficiency and quality, while responding to the needs of citizens. It focused on 3 important aspects: major HRM functions, personal development as well as professional ethics and responsibilities. It was a valuable opportunity to discuss experiences, lived realities and good practices.

Governments are constantly challenged to adapt how they administrate public affairs and deliver public services, to perform efficiently within the scope of serving the people. Thus, this course aimed to demonstrate how state modernization has to be driven by the constant pursuit of building capable states in the face of changing circumstances and increasingly complex societies. In this context, the development of public servants’ skills, the strengthening of HRM practices, as well as upholding public service ethics throughout administrations, are critical for democracies.

These courses are testament to the living partnership between the French and South African governments on matters essential to democracies and developmental goals. The two administrations have been sharing good practices and experiences since 2016.



Posted in Governance and Human Rights | No Comments

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