The third edition of Novembre Numerique, a resounding success

Arts and Creative Industries

The third edition of Novembre Numerique in South Africa gathered more than 80 participants in total, and culminated in two main events: the NN Game Jam and the Animation Jam!


  • The NN Game Jam
    Coordinated and hosted by Sithe Ncube

This year we witnessed three days of online video games creation under the theme “AS” from 5 to 7 November. Participants were selected and organized into four teams. Each team was supervised by a mentor who was able to guide the participants in the creation of the game.
Thanks to our 2021 mentors and experts: Alexis Stahnke, Bahiyya Khan, Ana Maria de Jesus, Estelle Makhoba, Asriela Aestas.

Thanks to our partner ARTE France for providing demo versions of their new digital productions “Inua – a story in ice and time” and “To Hell with the Ugly.”

Inua Arte

Image supplied by ARTE France

To Hell With The Ugly by Arte

Image supplied by ARTE France


  • The Animation Jam
    Coordinated and hosted by Mollo Animation Academy & Studio – a department of Tshimologong Precinct

The third edition of the 48h challenge, conducted online due to the pandemic, reunited students and animation professionals for a fun creation moment between  19 to 21 November. The theme of this year was “Once upon a time” and all short-movies made during the week-end are available here.

The jam was made possible thanks to the organizing team as well as Cecile Blondel, from GOBELINS, and Travis Blaise who delivered masterclasses to the participants of the event.

This year again, these moments of experimentation and exchange were widely appreciated by the public , young talents and professionals involved. Thanks to all our partners involved and to the participants.
Stay tuned for more training and residency programs on digital creation themes.

Theme Announcement



More about Novembre Numerique:
Novembre Numérique is an international operation led by the French Institute in Paris / Institut Français. Organized around the world, Novembre Numérique aims to promote access for all to new technologies, to promote the diversity of the French digital creation, and more broadly to foster an international dialogue between creators and audiences.

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