Learn French


In 2021, LEARN FRENCH in South Africa and Lesotho in 242 primary and secondary schools, 19 universities, 13 Alliances françaises and 2 French schools.
Click here to spot the nearest institution to you.


In the multilinguist South Africa, nearly 30 000 learners choose French in South Africa: about 21 000 pupils learn French in 224 primary and secondary schools (nearly 1 200 of whom wrote French at their Matric exam in 2018), 3 600 students chose to pursue French in their higher studies in one of the 17 universities offering French, and 4 650 students enrolled in a French class in one of the 12 Alliances françaises of the network. Click here to spot the nearest institution to you.


On top of that, a French education offer is available to South African and international pupils in one of the 2 French schools in the country: the Lycée Jules Verne with its campuses in Johannesburg and Pretoria and the Lycée François le Vaillant with its campuses in Cape Town.

In 2019, nearly 1 500 learners were enrolled in a French school in South Africa.

In Lesotho, no less than 10 000 pupils are learning French in 19 primary and secondary schools. French is also offered in two higher education institutions that welcome 450 students per year.

The Alliance française of Maseru registers around 300 new students every year.


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