Call for Proposals: External Evaluation of the Project – Reimagining Heritage Archives and Museums: Today/Tomorrow

Arts and Creative Industries

The Embassy of France to South Africa, Lesotho and Malawi is inviting bids for the external evaluation of the project Reimagining Heritage, Archives and Museums: Today/Tomorrow (RHAM).

The project started in October 2022 and will be fully completed in April/May 2024. The evaluation foreseen in the project plan will cover all activities undertaken from February 2023 to April/May 2024, and will be managed by the consultant agency.

The evaluation will serve to assess the project design, its implementation, and achievements. The Evaluator will be expected to formulate recommendations to guide future collaborations in favour of strengthening heritage, archives and museums in South Africa and the broader Southern Africa and to develop professional exchanges in these three sectors covered by Reimagining Heritage, Archives and Museums: Today/Tomorrow (RHAM).

Click Here to download The Terms of Reference: RHAM EVALUATION TERMS OF REFERENCE 8 MARCH 2024RHAM EVALUATION TERMS OF REFERENCE 14 MARCH 2024 revised

These Terms of Reference (ToR) spell out the requirements for the external evaluation.

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