French language FSPI in South Africa, Lesotho and Malawi


The launching seminar of the French language project in South Africa, Lesotho and Malawi, as part of the Solidarity Fund for Innovative Projects (FSPI), took place in Besançon, France last month.

Two educational executives from the Ministries of Education of each of the three countries, accompanied by the French and Educational Cooperation Attachée in Pretoria, Ms Audrey Delattre, were welcomed by the Rector of the Academic region, Mr. Jean-François Chanet and his teams in charge of international relations, teacher training, and academic inspection.

Working sessions with the delegation focused on the challenges of teaching and learning the French language and the training needed for French teachers.

The delegates were joined by three future teachers-trainers from South Africa, Lesotho and Malawi, to discuss and reflect on the construction of the training system and skills development of teachers.

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