Launch of the IFprofs South Africa platform


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From November 16 to 29, 2017, two facilitators toured the country to introduce the new IFprofs South Africa platform.

If you are a professional in the field of teaching or promoting the French language in South Africa, register now (about 2 minutes):

The presentation of the platform, open to all education professionals in South Africa, was organized by the Cooperation and Cultural Action Department of the French Embassy in collaboration with universities and the Alliances Françaises.

About a hundred professionals discovered this worldwide social network for education in French. It enables to consult and publish resources, to communicate easily and quickly with colleagues from all over the world and to be informed of all the French-speaking events organized in South Africa and in the world.

The roadshow is also an opportunity to bring together all the teachers of French in the Alliances Françaises to celebrate the end of the year with a cocktail reception.

More information on the French Institute of Paris website:

Alliance française de Pretoria : 16 NOV 2017

IFprofs AF Pretoria


Alliance française de Johannesburg : 22 NOV 2017



Alliance française du Cap : 23 NOV 2017

IFprofs AF CPT


Université du KwaZulu-Natal – Pietermaritzburg 27 NOV 2017

IFprofs UKZN


Alliance française de Durban : 28 NOV 2017

IFprofs AF Durban


Alliance française de Port Elizabeth 29 NOV 2017

IFprofs AF PE

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