Dibuka: A new chapter in 2025

Arts and Creative Industries

After more than 20 years at the Alliance Française of Johannesburg, Dibuka is embarking on an exciting new chapter in 2025.

The media library of the French Institute of South Africa (IFAS) will relocate to join the other IFAS services, reopening at 62 Juta Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg at the end of January. Visitors can look forward to new releases and a curated selection of our collection displayed on the first floor. Books and magazines will also be available for remote reservation.

In addition to the Braamfontein location, a regular service will be launched in Morningside in collaboration with the Lycée Jules Verne. Starting at the end of January, this service will allow users to exchange books and explore our latest additions.

Shaping the future together

Stay tuned for a online survey, ‘Reinventing Dibuka’, where your input will guide us in creating a more dynamic and accessible library experience. This new chapter will feature:

  • Expanded online services,
  • Broader geographic coverage,
  • Author meet-and-greets,
  • Debates and events across French cultural venues in South Africa.

Key information

Returning documents:

  • All loans are automatically extended until 28 January 2025.
  • A book return box will remain at the Alliance Française of Johannesburg until the end of January. Afterward, returns can be made at IFAS, 62 Juta Street, Braamfontein.

Renewing subscriptions:

In the meantime, don’t forget that Culturethèque, Institut Français’ digital library, is available anytime with a wide range of books, audiobooks, magazines, comics, and the latest news: www.culturetheque.com/en.

We look forward to welcoming you to Dibuka’s next adventure this year.

Long live the book! Long live Dibuka!

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