Stand a chance to win 10GB of data to enjoy the 15th MyFrenchFilmFestival!

Arts and Creative Industries


Article 1 Organising company

FRENCH INSTITUTE OF SOUTH AFRICA, Public Establishment with Financial Autonomy (hereinafter “IFAS” or the “Organiser”) having its registered office at 62 Juta Street, Braamfontein – PO Box 31551, 2017 – Johannesburg (South Africa) and represented by its general secretary, François Allain, organises every day, from January 20th to the 5th of February 2025 inclusive, a free contest with no obligation to purchase, with a random draw, entitled MyFrenchFilmFestival 2025 – South Africa Contest. 

Article 2 Who can participate? 

  • This game contest is open to any person over the age of eighteen (18) years (hereinafter the “Participant(s)”), who is criminally liable, and resident in South Africa. 
  • Members of the management and staff of IFAS, Alliances françaises and French establishments in South Africa, as well as their families, are not eligible to participate. As a general rules, any person participating directly or indirectly in the implementation of this game is excluded from this right of participation. 
  • Participation in the game implies the full and complete acceptance of the rules and their application by IFAS, which rules in the last resort on any disputed case and any difficulty of interpretation. 
  • If it is found that a participant has registered, for the same person or household, several times, only the first registration will be considered, the others will be cancelled. 
  • The Participant is informed and accepts that the information entered in the registration form is proof of his/her identity. The information entered by the Participant is binding on him/her as soon as it is validated. The Organiser reserves the right to verify the accuracy of the data provided by the Participant. 
  • The Participant undertakes to complete in good faith the registration form made available to him/her and to provide accurate information to the Organiser. The Participant must fill in all the input fields, except those mentioned as not being mandatory. 
  • The Organiser reserves the right to carry out the necessary checks and to invalidate entries that are incorrect, incomplete, counterfeit or made in contravention of these rules. 

Article 3 – Access 

This contest is accessible via Internet on Facebook, Instagram, X and on IFAS’ website 

Article 4 –Duration 

  • The contest takes place from the 20th of January to the 5th of February 2025.
  • No claim may be made against the Organiser by a Participant who has been unable to connect due to a temporary technical problem on the game’s web pages. 
  • The Organiser reserves the right, if necessary, to modify, extend or cancel this period without notice, without incurring any liability in this respect.

Article 5 How to participate? 

To take part in the MyFrenchFilmFestival 2025 in South Africa competition, all you need to do is: 

– to fill in the registration form, with the mandatory fields to validate your participation. A total of 3 winners will be designated at the end of the competition by drawing lots. 

This game is not managed or sponsored in any way whatsoever by Meta. Under no circumstances Meta will have access to the personal information of the participants, the Organiser is the only holder during the duration of the contest. 

Article 6 – Endowment: 

A random draw will be made by the Organiser on Thursday the 6th of February 2025. 

This random draw will designate among the Participants the 3 winners of 10GB of data to access MyFrenchFilmFestival online. 

Any entry made outside the game period referred to in Article 4 will be regarded as invalid. Any false declaration or erroneous and/or incomplete declaration by a winner will be considered void and will result in the disqualification of the Participant and the reintroduction of the prize at the time of the draw. 

The prize is composed of: 

MyFrenchFilmFestival will take place from the 17th of January to the 17th of February 2025 online on the dedicated platform. 

The value of each prize for 10GB of data is indicated in the annex. 

Any costs and expenses not included in the above-mentioned prize are not the responsibility of IFAS but of the winner. The winners will be personally informed by email no later than five (5) days after the end of the competition. Without a written response from the winner within 72 hours following confirmation of his/her win, the French Institute reserves the right to award the prize to a substitute winner. No message will be sent to the losers. 

The data prizes will be sent directly to the mobile phone number communicated, during the week of the 10th of February 2025 and no later than the 15th of February 2025. 

The Organiser reserves the right, if circumstances beyond its control so require or, more generally, for any reason whatsoever, to modify the prize, without its liability being incurred as a result. 

IFAS reserves the right to replace the prize with a prize of at least equivalent value in the event of unavailability or for any reason whatsoever. 

The prize cannot be exchanged or reimbursed. No compensation in cash or credit will be granted. The prize may be transferred to a third party by decision of the winner, who will inform IFAS in writing. Any fraud or attempted fraud of any kind will result in the exclusion of the participant as well as the loss of his or her winnings if applicable. The organizing company reserves the right to take legal action against any person contravening these rules. 

Article 7 – Responsibility: 

The Participants shall refrain from implementing or seeking to implement any participation process that does not strictly comply with the principles of the operation and these Rules. 

The Organiser reserves the right to exclude any person who does not fully comply with these rules. The Organiser also reserves the right to prosecute anyone who attempts to defraud or hinder the smooth running of the operation. 

The Organiser may decide to cancel the operation if it appears that obvious fraud has taken place in any form whatsoever, in particular computer fraud in the context of participation in the operation or the determination of the winner. 

The Organiser reserves the right to carry out any verification to ensure compliance with this article, as well as with the rules as a whole, in particular to exclude any Participant who has committed any abuse whatsoever or attempted fraud, without however being obliged to carry out a systematic verification of all entries, but which may possibly limit this verification to the entries of potential winners. 

The Organiser reserves the right to extend, shorten, modify or cancel the present operation without its liability being engaged as a result. If, for any reason whatsoever, this operation should not take place as planned as a result of, for example, a case of force majeure, a computer virus, a bug, an intervention, unauthorised intrusion into the computer system, fraud, or a technical failure or any other reason beyond the control of the Organiser and corrupting or affecting management, the safety, fairness and proper conduct of the transaction, the Organiser then reserves the discretionary right to cancel, modify or suspend the transaction or to terminate it without delay, without the Participants being able to seek its liability in this respect. The Organiser also reserves the right to disqualify any Participant who tampers with the operation or the aforementioned website or who violates the official rules of the operation. 

It is agreed that the data contained in the information systems of the Organiser and/or its technical partners are conclusive as to the connection elements and information resulting from computer processing relating to the operation organised by the Organiser. 

The Organiser’s liability is strictly limited to the remittance of the prize actually and validly won. 

It is expressly reminded that the Internet is not a secure network. The Organiser cannot therefore be held liable for contamination by possible viruses or for the intrusion of a third party into the system of the Participants’ terminal and declines all liability for the consequences of the Participants’ connection to the network via the aforementioned website. 

In particular, the Organiser cannot be held liable for any damage caused to Participants, their computer equipment and the data stored on it, as well as the consequences that may result from this on their personal or professional activity. 

The Organiser may not be held liable for any malfunctions related to the Internet network itself or in or related to any intrusion, attempted intrusion or fraud that has led to failures in the administration, security, fairness, integrity or management of the operation. 

In particular, the Organiser may not be held liable for any errors, omissions, interruptions, deletion, loss of any electronic mail and more generally for the loss of any data as a result. 

The Organiser declines all responsibility for all incidents and accidents that may occur during the events in which the Participants of the operation may participate. 

The connection of any person to the aforementioned website and the participation of the players in the game is done under their entire responsibility. 

Article 8 Personal data

Participants are informed that their data recorded in the context of the game are necessary for the taking into account of their participation the attribution of the prize. IFAS undertakes not to communicate this information outside the organizing team. IFAS undertakes to protect these personal data and to keep them safe and confidential. 

In application of the French law n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978, as amended, relating to information technology, files and freedoms, Participants registered in the game have the right to oppose, access, correct and delete data concerning them. To exercise these rights, Participants will contact the customer service department at the Organiser’s postal address referred to in Article 1 of the rules.  

Article 9 – Applicable law 

These rules are subject to French law. 

The parties will endeavour to resolve amicably any dispute that may arise during the execution of these rules. In the event of a definitive disagreement on the interpretation or execution of these rules and their consequences, only French Courts will be competent. 

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