Call for Bids: External Evaluation of digital project IQOQO

Arts and Creative Industries

The Embassy of France in South Africa, Lesotho and Malawi is inviting bids for the external evaluation of the project ” IQOQO, Art & creative industries digital platform “.

The project started in June 2022 and will be fully completed in March 2024. The evaluation foreseen in the project plan will cover all activities undertaken between June 2022 to October 2023, and will serve to assess the project design, its implementation and achievements. The Evaluator will be expected to formulate recommendations to guide future interventions to support the development of Cultural and Creative Industries in South Africa.

The evaluation will take place between July to October 2023, and must be completed by 23 October 2023.

Download the Terms of Reference (ToR) outlining the requirements for the external evaluation here

Bidding process and how to apply

Interested candidates must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

*          Technical proposal (max. 20 pages) that :

  1. Explain their understanding of the work and deliverables,
  2. Provide a brief methodology on how they will approach and conduct the work, including a tentative schedule;
  3. Explain why they are the most suitable to perform the evaluation work.

*          Financial proposal, based on the template in Annexure of the ToR.

*          CV of all consultant(s) highlighting past experiences in similar projects/assignments.

*          At least 2 references.


Interested candidates are requested to submit an electronic copy of their bid with the subject REF: “FSPI Evaluation IQOQO- [name of Bidder]”.

Further information about the project may be obtained from IFAS. Requests should be sent by email to by 06 June 2023.

Applications must be submitted to by 16 June 2023

Only shortlisted / successful bidders will be contacted.

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