Science and Innovation

2024 PROTEA Call for Joint Research Proposals

South Africa / France Science and Technology Research Collaboration The South Africa/France PROTEA Programme is a bilateral incentive programme dedicated to strengthening collaborative research between the two countries. It is co-funded by both the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research from the French side,and the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) and the National Research Foundation (NRF) from the South African side. The development of the PROTEA Programme was based on a shared conviction regarding the importance of science, technology and innovation in building and sustaining a knowledge-based economy. The programme is a financial instrument supporting mobility and training of “incoming and outgoing” researchers, contributing to the development of new partnerships and to the strengthening of advanced scientific and technological exchanges between research…

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Science and Innovation

SCAC/IFAS Call for applications

IFAS RESEARCH Call for Applications 2022 Master’s students – Doctoral students – Post-doctoral students – Senior researchers IFAS-Research (UMIFRE 25, MEAE/CNRS – French Institute of South Africa) has a regional mandate covering twelve countries in Southern Africa: Angola, Botswana, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. IFAS-Research promotes and supports research projects in the Humanities and Social Sciences dealing with this vast area. Every year, IFAS-Research funds a variety of research projects, either individual or collective (fieldwork, surveys, archival & documentary research, organization of scientific events, etc.). Funds allocated by IFAS-Research will range from 500 to 1,500 €. All funding applications for 2022 must imperatively reach us before December 10th 2021 (see details and documents below). No nationality requirement applies, but the…

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Science and Innovation

PROTEA Programme 2022: Extension of the deadline! Submissions are now extended to 14 May 2021!

PROTEA is a bilateral programme supporting mobility between scientists from France and South Africa with two-year funding.     Who can participate? The South Africa - France PROTEA Programme is a bilateral incentive programme dedicated to strengthening the collaborative research between our two countries. The selected projects will be funded by the National Research Foundation, the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. The PROTEA programme aims to support the mobility and training of “incoming and outgoing” researchers, contribute to the development of new partnerships and strengthen advanced scientific and technological exchanges between research institutions in South Africa and France. Therefore, the call is open to all scientific disciplines and thematic areas, including social sciences and the humanities as well…

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Science and Innovation

OceanHub Africa accelerator program call for applications

OceanHub Africa is launching its second call for applications to join this year’s cohort of startups to be selected for its six-month online acceleration programme. Beginning in April 2021, the programme will select and support Africa’s most promising and impact-driven startups seeking to develop an environmentally conscious and profitable ocean economy, shaping better interactions between people and oceans in support of the Sustainable Development Goal 14 – Life Below Water. Selected applicants will be given access to OHA’s partners’ service packages and its highly qualified network of stakeholders and facilitators, who will help startups devise sustainable pathways yielding stable profits and avenues for scalable growth throughout Africa. Ocean-minded startups looking to join the OHA accelerator can apply from 25 January 2021 and until 5 March 2021 at Unleashing the Power…

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Science and Innovation

Calling on all SMEs, startups and researchers working within the Agriculture Technology (AgTech) landscape!

The World Bank Group and the French-South African Agricultural Institute (F'SAGRI), in partnership with the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), the French Embassy and the French Ministry for Agriculture are looking to finance and support entrepreneurs, researchers and technologists through the 1st in a series of the AgTech Innovation Challenge with the e-Southern Africa Startup Community (e-SASCy) exclusively on the Innovation Bridge Portal (IBP). Are you working towards finding innovative solutions to some of the most urgent issues affecting agriculture and food security in Southern Africa ─ one of the sectors most  affected by the Covid-19 pandemic? Don't miss out on this opportunity to accelerate your venture.  Actors within the Southern African agricultural sector face increasing uncertainty due to food security concerns, rapidly growing populations, unsustainable practices, climate change and sub-optimal…

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