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Regional blue cinema week – Gauteng

Arts and Creative Industries

From December 6 to December 10, all over the Indian Ocean, French cultural agencies and French embassies involved in the FSPI Indian Ocean Blue Year (2021-2022) are organizing film and documentary screenings with an oceanic focus, for the general public. A week to learn and discuss the role of our oceans and their importance in the daily of millions of citizens. Exceptional images shot under the ocean surface will captivate the public and open debate.

All these events will be part of the “Indian Ocean Blue Year” project, which together with the French Presidency of the Indian Ocean Commission, is organizing this Blue cinema week to raise awareness of the Blue Economy issues in 9 territories bordered by the Indian Ocean (South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya, Comores, Madagascar, Reunion Island, Maurice, Seychelles).

Activities in South Africa is scheduled as follows:


French primary school – Pretoria, December 8, 10am

Class of CM1-CM2 (10 + 12 kids) : Screening of Planet Ocean by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and discussion facilitated by Gratien Ban, Director.

This event is organized just after the World week at the French school (Semaine du monde), to be held from November 29 to December 4th, and is also related to all the school’s projects around sustainable development (in Pretoria and in Johannesburg) : recycling / eco-representatives / compost / etc (see in the doc below).

Contact: Gratien BAN, Director and teacher (CM 1/CM2) – Primary school / Pretoria Campus;  directionprimaire.pretoria.ljv@aefe.fr / +27 (0)68 024 75 88

Contact: Lionel Shutz, Director, Alliance Française Johannesburg: director@jhb.alliance.org.za, +27 +27 011 646 1169

Event Details
08 December
10:00 - 17:00
This event is suitable for all ages.
Class of CM1-CM2 (10 + 12 kids) : Screening of Planet Ocean by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and discussion facilitated by Gratien Ban, Director.
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